segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2013

Personal Statement

Estou fazendo um post separado, só pra falar sobre o vilão de muitas aplicações: o Personal Statement.

O Personal Statement é uma carta que temos que escrever e anexar à nossa aplicação.
Tem de ser escrito em inglês e deve conter informações sobre quem está escrevendo, como se fosse um documento para convencer as universidades lá do Reino Unido a te aceitar. 

No e-mail que recebemos, é sugerido que seja escrito o seguinte: o porque você é adequado para o curso, experiências que você tem ou teve na área, o que você pretende fazer no futuro (depois que se formar) e porque você escolheu o curso (o escolhido no UK). 

Se você está com dúvida, é  interessante dar uma olhada em alguns exemplos. Abaixo tem alguns links de sites com dicas e modelos.


Temos que levar em conta que estamos mandando esse documento para três universidades diferentes, então é interessante que não seja citado o nome de nenhuma universidade. No meu caso, os cursos que escolhi também mudam de nome dependendo da universidade, sendo assim, é melhor não citar os nomes. Eu, ao menos, preferi ser neutra e falar da área, no geral.

Ah! É bom revisar, revisar, revisar e revisar! Não vai ser legal se for mandado um documento cheio de erros de digitação ou gramática. Então peça pra alguém que sabe inglês dar uma olhada antes de mandar. Não custa nada garantir! ;)

Abaixo estou postando o meu Personal Statement, pra quem quiser olhar e não copiar auhsuahsuahs.

"I was born in the middle of a technological explosion, and because of it, those new things that were coming up became something very important to me. Maybe that is why since I was young I like to experiment the new, the advanced, the technological, and above all, the creative things. When the time to choose what would be my profession arrived, technology and creativity were prerequisites to whatever I would do. So I have chosen a course that teaches me so many areas, such as arts, games, communication, programming, and mainly my favorite one: animation. This is my big passion, I grew up watching cartoons on the television. Seeing the drawings in movement have always fascinated me and I used to look to the TV screen and think that if a person could do those characters gain life, I could do that too. Nowadays I still spend my free time watching cartoons at home or animations at the cinema, even if it is not as much as I would like to. Foreign languages were also an interest to me, so I started studying english in 2005, when I was 12 years old. It became a passion to me and I continued with the course for five years, until I entered the university and choose to stop to have more time for the academic courses. Together with the love for the english language, came the wish to travel outside Brazil, but I have never had the opportunity until now. Thinking about to study my favorite area abroad is simply amazing! My objective studying in the United Kingdom is to learn the more I can about animation, modelling, computer graphics and other subjects that are directly involved with the area. Also I want to improve the language I have studied for so long. I have no doubt that the methods of teaching and the living experience with the teachers and colleagues will bring me a good return that I will keep for the rest of my life. I have not had any professional experience with the area yet, but I intend to start as soon as I learn enough. My objective for the future is to work with animation. I like to create characters, - I had even done a drawing course to help me with this - and also, a hobby that I have is to create plots and develop histories. A good and important point is that I am a creative person, and I try hardly to use this creativity in all the things I do. I like to be involved with the things I am part of, because I believe that things do not happen if we only imagine and talk about them. We need to put our good thoughts in action and help to make whatever is around us better. As an example of it, I am the current president of the Academic Directory from my course and together with the other members and the coordinator, we try to do all we can to make the course good for students and teachers. I think that the world which we live needs some more good feelings, fun and innocence, and I believe that making cartoons we can help to diffuse these feelings. It does not matter if the person who will watch is an adult searching for some laughs or if it is a kid, learning things without even notice. The people who work with animation have the power to make the other people feel something, and I want to transmit these feelings too."

4 comentários:

  1. Estava procurando algum para ter uma base de como fazer o meu, muito bom! Parabéns! :D

  2. Adorei,ficou muito legal,consegui ler até o final e não desanimei,tbm foi muito criativa,parabéns ^^
